
I don't care I really I dont.I can remove you from my life throw you out like last year's calender.
So you want another woman, so fine.I'll start with the refrigerator, remove your peanut butter, your hot sauce, that stupid stuff you put on steak, and the last piece of cake I made for your birthday I'll put them, no I'll throw them I will smash them to smithereens in the garbage can.I'll go through the closet, grab that shirt of yours that I used to wear in the garden the sock you forgot in the corner, wad them up, tear them up, shred them up, take them into the street and drive my car over them.I'll take every card you ever gave me not read those dumb sappy lies anymore about how you'll love me forever, burn them up pulverize them into cat litter.I can do it with my eyes closed.I'll get that picture from the living room that you bought at the flea market and rip it up.I'll yank clothes that you liked me to wear off their hangers, go to Goodwill, go to hell.Give them to her, the new woman, but as you say, she's so much smaller than I.Who gives a shit? I sure don't.
I'll get all my cleaning supplies scrub the whole house get your prints off.Take a hot bath, no a scalding one, get your prints off me, cut my hair, paint my fingernails.You always hated that wear the big earrings you said are flashy, and lost of perfume that made you sneeze, get your smug scumsucking voice off my answering machine, not forward your mail, return it to sender, tell them you died.
I'll do these things.I really  will.I don't care, really I don't.